
Second Biological Image Processing and Analysis Symposium (BioIAS)

June 14, 2024

Parc Valrose, Salle des Actes, Nice


9:00  Vice President of Research & Innovation, University Côte d'Azur : Laurent Counillon 

Organizers: Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling and Laure Blanc-Féraud

Session 1 

Moderator : Laure Blanc-Féraud & Gregoire Malandain 

9:15  Robert Haase, ScaDS.AI, Leipzig University, Germany

Large Language Models for Bio-image Analysis

10:00 Jenifer Croce & Seb Schaub, LBDV/Morpheme, Villefranche-sur-Mer

Hyperspectral imaging: separating the “good” from the “bad” in fluorescence images

10:30 Damien Ambrosetti, CHU de Nice

Histo-diagnosis of kidney lesions : more humanity to AI to make it more efficient

10:45-11:15   coffee break

11:15 Anca-Ioana Grapa, ICR, London, UK

Prognostic Quantitative Biomarkers in Histopathology Images: Exploring Tumor and Microenvironmental Spatial Heterogeneity

12:00 Emmanuel Bouilhol, iBV, Nice 

Image to Image translation for stain separation in head and neck cancer histopathology images

12:15-14:00 Lunch - poster – exchange session

Session 2

Moderator : Fabienne De Graeve

14:00 Guillaume Jacquemet, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland

Studying cancer cell metastasis in the era of deep learning for microscopy

14:45  Frédéric Brau  & Sylvain Feliciangeli, IPMC, Valbonne 

Study of Intracellular pH with Fluorescence Lifetime IMaging (FLIM)

15:15 Thomas Boudier, I3S, Sophia Antipolis 

Data Organization and Automation for Image Analysis

15:45 Frédéric Luton & Xavier Descombes, IPMC/Morpheme, Valbonne/Sophia Antipolis

Characterization of the basement membrane architecture through mathematical analyses of 3D images

16:15-16:45  Coffee break

Session 3 

Moderator : Caroline Medioni

16:45 Bianca Silva, IPMC, Valbonne

Whole-brain activity mapping by multiplexed immediate early genes analysis

17:15 Maximilian Furthauer, iBV, Nice 

A live imaging-based screen of the Zebrafish Extracellular Vesicle/Particle secretome 

17:30 Kevin Lebrigand, IPMC, Valbonne

Developments in spatial imaging-based transcriptomics 


17:45 Organizers


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