
External Speakers

Robert Haase - Data Science Center, Uni Leipzig

Our goal is to enable both scientific communities, algorithm developers and wet-lab experimentalists, to concentrate on their core-missions. Therefore, we automate post-acquisition image processing in the cloud, on local high-performance-computing infrastructure and on personal laptops. We combine state-of-the-art smart microscopy approaches, universally accessible large-scale image data storage, distributed computing, GPU-acceleration and machine learning algorithms in software libraries with handy user-interfaces that make state-of-the-art Bio-image analysis sustainable and accessible to everyone.


Guillaume Jacquemet CELL MIGRATION LAB

Studied biology at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne in France, before joining the lab of Martin Humphries at the University of Manchester for a PhD studentship. In 2014, Guillaume moved to Turku, Finland for his postdoc then in 2019 set up his own research group, the Cell Migration Lab at Åbo Akademi University, Turku, where in addition to investigating the molecular mechanisms of cancer metastasis and cell migration, he also develops deep-learning-based image analysis tools. Note that he is currently co-editing a J Cell Science Special Issue: Imaging Cell Architecture and Dynamics


Anca-Ioana Grapa -Sarcoma Molecular Pathology Group, Mondon



Senior Postdoctoral Researcher in the Sarcoma Molecular Pathology Group of the Institute of Cancer Research in London headed by Janet Shipley. Previously, she was a postdoc in the Computational Pathology and Integrative Genomics Team led by Yinyin Yuan (currently at MD Anderson Cancer Center). She is involved in interdisciplinary research projects between computational and cancer biology teams. 


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